Furniture Guys Podcast
I have a question about how to determine what wood thickness to use for a project.
Furniture guys podcast. Both guys had expertise in the furniture industry. I was planning for the shelves to be 1-inch after milling, but couldn’t find any 5/4 or 6/4 maple boards, so I ended up getting some nice 8/4 boards. The Furniture Guys-- NSFW!
Ed owned Classic Furniture Services which did in-house repair. While that’s one sure-shot way to treat a room, it isn’t the only way. The Buttoned Up Podcast Follow Share.
2:Hey guys, great podcast. Beginning in the early 90's the Guys made a pitch to PBS in Philadelphia and landed a show doing what they knew best: 105 likes · 1 talking about this.
If you can’t get your hands on any foam just yet, it’s fine. Joe L’Erario and Ed Feldman, collectively known as The Furniture Guys. Thanks and keep up the good work on the podcast- don’t ever change your format- it’s what makes this podcast stick out from the crowd!
The Furniture Guys Radio Show Listen to the dulcet tones of Ed and Joe live on Gashouse Radio every Tuesday at 7 pm . Facebook page of 2 Guys and a Podcast - two guys discussing topics that we find informative and enjoyable.
How to laugh AND get the job finished. The Uber talented, Leslie Webb, graces the podcast.